TOP 30 arranged by dll descending
Last update at 2009-03-08
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speed (kB/s)
speed (kB/s)
Uncompressed data 30 309 194 2 232 320 1 745 036 1 810 166 3 432 448 2 153 230 3 492 804 1 466 555 6 755 163 3 932 214 251 564 715 264 2 322 430 N/A 2006-11-27
1LZW 0.224 968 9181 001 944725 050498 9742 129 4881 562 0904 781 0561 055 6346 783 4262 063 384351 986916 7363 099 150744 / 17 7032008-02-02
2LZW 0.124 048 5301 036 092714 416503 6722 108 5521 356 4184 745 8921 050 3486 174 2922 059 036345 040906 6243 048 148541 / 17 2192008-01-30
3LZC 0.0820 623 264996 055607 106492 1411 896 0481 352 5214 760 853844 9124 153 0331 464 541269 579715 6783 070 7974 111 / 5 8042007-11-16
4Packet 0.0218 294 973918 799741 876425 4321 790 3221 267 5583 409 729904 1613 988 6291 560 256252 434695 0402 340 7379 969 / 7 7892008-05-16
5Packet 0.0118 294 961918 798741 875425 4311 790 3211 267 5573 409 728904 1603 988 6281 560 255252 433695 0392 340 73610 582 / 7 7892008-05-11
6Flashzip 0.0214 914 744889 664678 304370 9451 715 1701 236 1943 353 078765 5371 644 7211 115 756259 179666 4772 219 7196 883 / 6 1662008-01-11
7LZXQ 0.216 222 307776 350640 719342 6761 630 9341 157 0023 373 059764 8982 999 8941 368 276281 838679 8842 206 777757 / 6842008-01-16
8Packet 0.03b18 207 609739 870618 099378 6421 615 6291 214 2783 324 677750 6255 333 0651 227 455240 924629 9002 134 4452 259 / 30 5462008-05-20
9BIT 0.113 984 485713 209609 389334 4001 590 2931 119 4333 356 740703 7121 288 6441 228 752243 101629 5922 167 2201 838 / 5 6922007-12-17
10THOR 0.9614 221 208714 700658 292374 7441 561 8161 168 9043 342 380721 8441 471 6481 203 472240 564627 8202 135 0248 969 / 16 4442007-08-23
11RINGS 0.314 417 239795 823690 653383 0691 556 7221 134 0823 447 788736 4581 152 5431 334 713248 860657 2852 279 2433 289 / 3 5242007-12-21
12Flashzip 0.0314 062 080822 478574 014385 3891 552 1571 203 1083 352 709730 2901 315 8991 010 481254 863647 8372 212 8552 145 / 5 4832008-02-04
13Chile 0.3d-113 719 539684 205463 859347 5151 533 3941 141 5263 329 003728 4791 209 8491 206 334245 142638 5002 191 733291 / 2 0902008-07-24
14LZXQ extreme 0.416 314 106702 290483 780370 0031 523 6981 141 5553 555 079789 6153 077 4111 358 167262 550702 1222 347 83690 / 492008-03-08
15ppmx 0.0314 135 913672 809463 086333 5561 496 9121 123 7613 369 087706 7081 644 5131 248 730247 860645 1012 183 790506 / 4682008-12-22
16LZXQ 0.315 060 815686 637476 538370 4161 496 2811 122 8083 546 492785 3381 955 5351 322 461262 554700 8242 334 93186 / 412008-01-27
17Tornado 0.313 959 599676 556625 743387 9101 494 5291 208 2103 334 414722 9031 343 8861 162 515242 755626 9372 133 2413 442 / 27 4572008-03-05
18Tornado 0.413 843 547660 242617 318386 8911 474 7091 205 2083 328 926718 9241 330 6401 121 801242 581626 1702 130 1373 524 / 27 0562008-04-08
19RINGS 1.014 785 435730 405479 048241 0171 473 8351 047 6753 339 536689 3742 637 042989 400248 949653 7772 255 3773 442 / 2 7152008-02-08
20RINGS 1.114 236 525703 658494 223238 1501 440 2611 061 7633 339 900675 7452 181 645989 400249 037648 1622 214 5814 000 / 3 0512008-02-13
speed (kB/s)
21WinTURTLE 1.6.013 627 599717 551574 060321 4611 433 1521 104 4243 448 084712 0311 076 4171 094 217248 899632 2002 265 1034 000 / 3 7002008-01-01
22WinTURTLE 1.4.0 beta13 626 011716 976577 229323 5541 431 2041 104 9153 432 896716 8711 074 2491 108 969248 990631 7692 258 3893 700 / 3 4822007-11-05
23BCM 0.0513 724 963641 261435 313332 4871 424 7511 037 8183 322 624688 6671 718 8831 029 865246 476639 5042 207 3141 542 / 1 5342009-03-05
24Packet 0.9014 717 121674 433586 888364 0451 424 4221 137 8213 319 459706 5672 380 8501 124 361240 992624 8312 132 452484 / 10 2062008-06-18
25Hook 1.313 600 388722 830475 704302 7101 412 3301 105 4593 369 585706 9671 082 6801 290 323248 131641 4962 242 1731 021 / 9872007-12-15
26LZTurbo 0.913 954 788659 782528 057306 0851 400 3361 146 0553 492 840785 2291 085 8001 261 238251 600715 3002 322 466740 / 7 2192008-02-25
27LZTurbo 0.9113 954 788659 782528 057306 0851 400 3361 146 0553 492 840785 2291 085 8001 261 238251 600715 3002 322 466802 / 8 0002008-03-12
28LZTurbo 0.9213 954 788659 782528 057306 0851 400 3361 146 0553 492 840785 2291 085 8001 261 238251 600715 3002 322 466802 / 8 0002008-03-13
29cmm 2 (2007-12-09)14 464 901623 815459 423287 6221 396 6831 019 2523 304 781667 8212 621 6701 072 602239 870621 9992 149 363449 / 4312007-12-09
30RINGS 1.4c14 156 759674 958477 406210 5231 393 5211 068 0553 326 306671 7902 285 290983 029244 609640 6012 180 6712 874 / 3 5662008-04-14

Have been tested, but not included (incomplete (de)compression): Additional information about testset, testing computer, links to other benchmarks

© 2006-2009, Radek "Black_Fox" Liska. Recommended resolution: 1024x768 and higher.
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